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UX Copy / Microcopy

You know those small bits of text on a website that help your user to navigate the site? That’s UX Copy (aka Microcopy). It can cover everything from the menu, to the text on buttons to the copy that appears on an error page - basically anything which impacts the user experience.


UX Copy is another great way to show your audience who you are as a brand whilst maintaining visitor retention on your site. Make it easy to navigate and people will stay longer.

Copy Editing & Proofreading

Not too hot on grammar? English not your first language? Or do you just need a second pair of eyes? Send me your blog post/sales page/article (insert other piece of writing here) and I can check it for accuracy, tone and consistency.


If you have the main points down on your page but are not sure of the best way of phrasing them then let me take a look and give it a tweak. Editing is an important part of the content creation process - don’t overlook it!

Product Descriptions

Often one of the most time-consuming parts of setting up an eCommerce or service website, product descriptions are instrumental in letting your customer know exactly what they are spending their money on or signing up for. 


Whether you need a technical description or something a little more straight-forward, I craft product descriptions quickly and accurately so your customers can make an informed decision.

Not sure what you need yet? 

If you know writing isn't your strong suit or you simply don't have time for it, give me a call


If you don't know exactly which services you require then I'm happy to talk through your ideas or needs to help you figure that out.

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