The 6-step Process to Success

There ain’t no guesswork in this copywriting game.
Writing copy that converts is more science than art. I’m a conversion-nerd first and a writer second -
That means I dive deep into the data, learning all about your brand, customers, and goals to uncover the messages that will take your copy to the next level.
It’s that data that'll have us happy dancing at the end of your project, watching the sales come rolling in - bonus points if that also made you sing Otis Redding
Let's Dance..
Hello, is it me you’re looking for?
We hop on a 20-minute call and figure out if it’s a match!
We chat, we laugh. I ask carefully chosen questions and LISTEN - to understand your goals and advise on how we smash them.
If it’s a hit - you'll get a proposal with a detailed list of deliverables, a quote, and a general timeline.
No nasty surprises - everything will be crystal clear with the next steps outlined.

Take On Me
If you’re happy, you accept the proposal and sign the contract. It’s all digital, yo - and done in a few quick clicks.
We finalise a kick-off date and you pay a 50% deposit. I’m probably eating chocolate or doing a little dance to celebrate our collaboration.

Going underground
It’s kick-off call time! There’ll be more questions and you’ll have a checklist of things I need before I start writing.
I crack on with researching, spying, and all-around data mining. I’ll stalk your competitors, delve into the archives of your customer surveys and reviews, interview your CEO or your most valued customers - whatever it takes to get those valuable insights that will take your copy from dull to daammmmnnnn.
You'll get a quick SEO health check with suggestions if any work is needed - it’ll all be stuff you can quickly action while I work on the copy.
Then, you can crack on with running your business or just having fun while I beaver away, writing, editing, and crafting compelling messages.
I’ll be in touch with regular updates so you ALWAYS know where we’re at.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Here I am, baby - fresh copy in hand, beautifully laid out in wireframes so you know exactly where to put every word to get it performing at its absolute best.
We walk through it together to tackle any questions or feedback you may have. Any small tweaks will be made to add the finishing touches.
You’ll get your mitts on the polished wireframes, with directions on exactly where to place every piece of copy.
If you have a designer, I’ll work with them to ensure the copy is optimised and works to max out on those conversions.
Any SEO work will be delivered with clear instructions to implement and maintain.

We Are The Champions
You’re left sippin’ champers with copy that’s converting like a champ.
Time to celebrate, pay that final invoice, and keep those referrals coming!

Let’s Stay Together / Go Your Own Way
Now’s the time to chat about any additional projects or follow-ups on testing and optimisation to keep that revenue stream flowing.
(I never take on more than 3 retainer clients at a time to ensure you have my undivided attention - if this is something you feel you want, it’s best to mention it early so we can make a plan)